Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Vendasta plans for 300 employees, $30 million in revenue by year’s end

SASKATOON STARPHOENIX  02.17.2017 – With bearded 20-somethings hunched over Apple laptops, whiteboards covered with scribbles and a pair of foosball tables in the corner, Vendasta Technologies Inc.’s downtown office looks and feels like the home of an archetypical tech startup — apart from its size.
According to its CEO — a former Eldorado Nuclear Ltd. geophysicist turned entrepreneur — the Saskatoon-based company has grown by at least 50 per cent over each of the last three years, and is on track to reach $30 million in revenue and 300 employees by the end of 2017.
Brendan King attributes the advertising and marketing firm’s rapid growth to a lack of assumptions about Saskatchewan-based technology companies in the U.S., where Vendasta made inroads early and continues to do more than 95 per cent of its business.
“I’m don’t want to take credit for anything fancy,” King said. “I’m just saying our revenue in the States was twofold: We weren’t handicapped with any kind of preconceived notion, and, probably more importantly, their revenue was falling off faster and they needed these services.”
Vendasta has gone through multiple incarnations over its 10-year history. What began as a network for homeowners and contractors eventually grew into a firm that designs and sells turnkey marketing tools to advertising firms across Canada and the U.S.
King said while thousands of small businesses across North America benefit from the company’s tools — which are aimed at, among other things, boosting Google rankings and social media profiles — Vendasta profited from working with existing advertisers on the ground.
Today, the company — which keeps a low profile outside university and technology circles — is a fixture in the city’s growing technology sector, which Alex Fallon, head of the Saskatoon Regional Economic Development Authority (SREDA), says is worth well over $100 million annually.
“We’re certainly not to the size of other (major) tech centres, but if you look at the per capita basis … I’d say we’re punching a little bit above our weight,” Fallon said, noting that the sector has grown from “well below” $100 million in revenue over the last two years.
Vendasta is not the only local tech company contributing to that growth. Solido Design Automation Inc., which manufactures tools used to build smartphones, and the restaurant scheduling app designer 7Shifts Inc. are both in the midst of major, multi-million-dollar expansions.
Growth in Saskatoon’s tech sector stands in stark contrast to the broader provincial economy, which shed 10,000 jobs last year as the effects of collapsing oil, potash and uranium prices seeped out of the mining sector and across the province.
Fallon said some locally-owned tech companies have reported a shortage of qualified developers — the University of Saskatchewan’s computer science program has a post-graduation employment rate of “almost 100 per cent” — but heis confident the sector will keep expanding.
“I think now what we’ve seen is a bit of a shift in mentality, in that with the success of some of these companies … now I think the entrepreneurs who are setting up their tech companies realize, ‘Hey, I can actually do it here and succeed from here.’ ”
Saskatoon’s tech sector has not yet produced enough “exits” — industry shorthand for acquisitions or initial public offerings (IPOs) — to lure more startups into the city, said Townfolio Inc. co-founder and CEO Ryley Iverson.
“I think to create that critical mass, we’re going to need to see more success stories,” said Iverson, whose Saskatoon-based company builds tools small communities can use to help attract businesses and investment.
Asked about Vendasta’s contribution to the local tech sector, King downplayed the influence he and the company have had. Vendasta isn’t looking for “the next big exit” and is aimed solely at becoming a company that can last, he said.
“We’d like to be the first unicorn in Saskatchewan. Most companies that have that stature take stuff out of the ground — potash, gold, uranium, wheat. We want to see if we can do that here, locally, to be a real player in the tech space.”

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